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6,000sf Skatepark Accepted for Submittal Purposes at 02-11-2015 Capitola, CA City Council Meeting

After 3 hours and 15 minutes of discussion, with a packed crowd, and only a single, 8-1/2" x 11", 2-dimensional plan view of the proposed 6,000sf skatepark at Monterey Park, the City Council accepted a proposal for skatepark the promoters to submit a complete project package to the City of Capitola for public review and City consideration.  "Motion made by Council Member Bottorff, seconded by Termini, provided authorization to proceed with the proposal of a skate park at Monterey Park which would require further development of the plans to allow for environmental review and project permitting; obtain public input, and pay processing soft costs."

Council members:  Harlan - NO;  Mayor Norton, AYE;  Bottorff. AYE;  Bertrand, NO,  Termini, AYE      MOTION PASSED 3 to 2

Please contact us if you have any questions on this topic.  At POPP, we are resolute in getting the facts straight.

Below are some pertinent excerpts from the staff, concerned citizens and Council Members at the meeting.  The figures preceding the speaker are approximate time marks from the 02-11-2015 meeting video (Note: The video is currently difficult/impossible to find/view as the City revamps its website):

There were a total of fifty-six (56) speakers from the public.  Ten (10) additional people drew numbers to speak but left the meeting without speaking.
Eighteen (18) people declared opposition to the skatepark.  Seven (7) speakers were undeclared but indicated opposition in their text.  Total in opposition = 25 speakers.
Twenty (20) people declared support of the skatepark.  Eleven (11) speakers were undeclared but indicated support in their text.  Total in support = 31 speakers.

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Last modified: 04/03/2016
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