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Neighborhoods with Problematic Skateparks

Skateboard/Park Fights on ®YouTube

Like many other arenas of sports, fights sometimes break out---and skateparks are no exception.  It doesn't have to be a large group or a large skatepark for a fight to erupt.  And as you'll see, explosive confrontations can occur on public or private properties when unauthorized skateboarding takes place.  Parents should be attentive to this possibility when allowing their young child to use a skatepark without monitoring or use public or private property for skateboarding.  Here's hoping that this information will lead to safer, more peaceful skateboarding fun for all.

Please contact us if you would like to help educate City leaders on this important issue.  Every voice helps!

▶ Skate park fight by young boys at small park + profanity  run time 3:22

▶ Crazy skatepark fight by young teen boys at small park + profanity  run time 3:55

▶ Crazy Lady at Skatepark scolds young boys for using profanity  run time 6:42

▶ Skateboarder Fights on private property - compilation - Security Officer confronts young boys at time mark 10:48  run time 20:33

Violent skateboard fight with mom involved and her young daughter present at large skatepark - start at 1:30  run time 4:03

Angry Cops Vs Skaters on Go Skate Day 2012!  run time 2:32

▶ Angry woman tackles young skateboarders practicing stunts on private property, takes board hostage  run time 1:59



▶ Fatal Skateboarding Accident In Capitola - July 6, 2011- 83-yo Maryann Slettehough  run time 2:08

Most painful skateboard falls (street skating and park skating without safety gear) Dec, 2013  run time 5:00

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Last modified: 01/14/2016
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